Abstract Sculptures of DC: Family Circle

Placed in an Adams Morgan park, the sculpture reflects the artist's life and childhood.

Created by Herbert House, Family Circle represents the artist’s view that no matter where he went, he had his family with him, walking beside him as he grew up in DC. As the name suggests, the sculpture features four human figures standing in a circle and holding hands - two adults, one male and one female, along with two children, appear to be dancing and moving with one another. They dance on a platform painted red, and are all made of steel, with the human figures being made of repurposed car bumpers.

As part of the DC Art/works program in 1991, House’s sculpture in Adams Morgan’s Triangle Park has been a neighborhood staple since its unveiling. However, in 2017, the sculpture was vandalized, with two of the four figures removed. Luckily, House was able to recreate the two stolen figures in 2018, with no further reports of vandalism.

This site is a stop on the Abstract Sculptures of DC tour.



Harvard and 18th Sts NW, 20009