National Metropolitan Bank

The National Metropolitan Bank complements the financial district surrounding it.

The distinctive Beaux Arts facade of the National Metropolitan Bank Building forms a strong architectural unit with the adjacent Riggs Building, balancing Robert Mills’ east side of the Treasury Department and complementing it in scale, style, and presence. Its design echoes that of many of the other buildings in the Fifteenth Street Financial Historic District, creating an architecturally coherent environment at one of the most visually prominent intersections in the city.

The National Metropolitan Bank is a major work of DC architect B. Stanley Simmons (1871-1931) in collaboration with the New York architectural firm, Gordon, Tracy and Swartwout. The original bank building was constructed between 1905 and 1907, and the facade was incorporated into the Metropolitan Square office building in 1986.

DC Inventory: August 11, 1977
National Register: September 13, 1978
Within Fifteenth Street Financial Historic District



613 15th Street NW